31 janeiro, 2018

Mark Strand


Num campo 
eu sou a ausência
de campo.
sempre o mesmo.
Onde quer que esteja
sou aquilo que falta.

Ao caminhar
separo o ar
e de todas as vezes
o ar precipita-se
para preencher os espaços
onde o meu corpo esteve.

Todos temos motivos
para nos deslocarmos.
Eu desloco-me
para manter as coisas inteiras.

Mark Strand, em Lacre, Traduções e Versões de Poesia de Vasco Gato (ed. Língua Morta)

30 janeiro, 2018

Isadora e Cristina

neste dia há-de descobrir
que dentro do teu tórax
habita uma granada fossilizada
com meu nome gravado
Rita Isadora Pessoa

Foto de Cristina Tavares.
Cristina Tavares, B&W, 2017

Andrea Geyer

Andrea Geyer,
 Constellations (Carrie Stettheimer after Genthe), 2018

29 janeiro, 2018

Ursula K. Le Guin

Foto de Arwen Curry.

There’s something
the size of a split pea
that I haven’t written.
that I haven’t written right.
I can’t sleep.
She gets up
and writes it.
Her work
is never done.

Ursula K. Le Guin,The Writer on, and at, Her Work

28 janeiro, 2018

Dorothea Lange

Dorothea Lange, Father and Son at a Hurling March, Ireland, 1954

26 janeiro, 2018

25 janeiro, 2018

24 janeiro, 2018

Clothing soul

This thing I am making is my clothing soul.

Ursula K. Le Guin, 1991

Ursula K. Le Guin - A pele


"All around us is the skin,
helping keep our bodies in.”

I’ve known that poem sixty years.
There’s more to it than first appears.

If we were skinless, like a cloud,
would we not mingle with the crowd?

Would not our little bodies be
more boundless even than the sea,

and gaseous as the atmosphere?
Would we be there as well as here?

Would I be you, and you be me,
and both of us mere entropy?

The two it takes to tango need
to be discrete, not just discreet.

The skin, however, does have holes
for letting in and out our souls,

our food, and such necessities.
It is designed to serve and please.

It washes well, but with the years
gets wrinkles, little spots and smears,

and somehow doesn’t seem to fit
as seamlessly as once as it did.

But still it is my nomad’s tent,
my shelter, my integument,

the outside of myself, this thin,
seemingly superficial skin,

that hems me neatly all about,
keeping foreign bodies out,
and keeping me, a while yet, in.

Ursula K. Le Guin


CT, Woody e gladíolo sobre a paleta, 11 março2106

23 janeiro, 2018


CT, Testemunhas, janeiro 2018 

22 janeiro, 2018

dois dedos de vidro

Dois dedos de vidro (amuleto) Egipto, 664-332 AC

21 janeiro, 2018

Martin e Paula

Foto de Debi Babiak Smith.
Martin Gusinde,
Selk'nam man dressed for Hain Ceremony,

Desenho a coisa até à sua existência - só consigo pensar fazendo . 

Paula Rego

16 janeiro, 2018

António José Forte

Cristina Tavares, &C, janeiro 2018

Entra no café.
Abre um livro fantástico, impossível.
Mas não lê.
Trabalha - numa música secreta, inaudível.

António José Forte

14 janeiro, 2018

Cristina Tavares

Cristina Tavares, &C, janeiro de 2018

Hélio Oiticica, Metaesquema, 1958

12 janeiro, 2018

Alexander Calder

Alexander Calder, Snow Flurry 1, 1948

11 janeiro, 2018

10 janeiro, 2018

Max Tilke

Max Tilke, Oriental Costumes - Drawings  (Egipte), 1922

Max Tilke, Oriental Costumes - Drawings  (Egipte), 1922
Max Tilke, Oriental Costumes - Drawings  (Turkestan), 1922

Max Tilke, Oriental Costumes - Drawings  (West Sudan, Togo), 1922

09 janeiro, 2018

Sonia Delaunay

Design de Sonia Delaunay para o filme Le P'tit Parigot, 1926

08 janeiro, 2018

Hieronymus Bosch

Hieronymus Bosch , detalhe de "O Jardim das Delícias" , c. 1490-1510

BW & C

janeiro 2018

07 janeiro, 2018

02 janeiro, 2018


José Pinto de Sá, Self portrait, Maputo, dezembro 2017

01 janeiro, 2018

another voice

                  Cristina Tavares, B&W (colagens), 2018

                Cristina Tavares, B&W (colagens), 2018

For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.

T. S. Elliot